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Tag: SDG 13

20 March

ARS is a research structure based in Fundão. Get to know this special place. Based in Fundão, in the district of Castelo Branco, ARS is a multidisciplinary organization focused on bringing scientists, artists, and all those willing to accept the challenge of thinking and acting on the ecological emergency to the table. Peggada spoke with […]

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18 March

Deleting email recipients, choosing greener browsers, or recycling electronic equipment are all practices that have an impact on the planet. Did you know that nowadays digital pollution is already higher than in the aviation sector? By 2025, it is estimated that it will overtake the automotive sector, and by 2030 it will be the largest […]

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09 March

The conclusion is part of an analysis of corporate emissions reduction targets and their degree of ambition. The European Union will force companies to submit their transition plans to meet the 1.5°C climate target (set in the Paris Agreement) and todisclose the sustainability impacts in its annual management report. The new directive, proposed by the […]

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01 March

The Secretary-General of the United Nations listed a number of challenges that put the sustainability of various parts of the globe and future generations at risk. António Guterres, addressing the General Assembly in New York in February, called for urgent action to address such scourges as wars, climate emergency, and extreme poverty. Here are expressed […]

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26 February

To help you better understand sustainability, Peggada has decoded some acronyms and abbreviations frequently used in the climate dialogue, creating a kind of dictionary which we hope you find useful. LCA: Life Cycle AssessmentIt is a technique that analyzes the performance of products or processes in terms ofsustainability by assessing inputs, outputs, and associated environmental […]

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24 February

Environmental and social concerns are becoming a major factor in the job market. The number of people who are leaving their jobs to look for companies with climate commitments is growing. The term “Climate Quitting” has emerged to refer to this generational change in attitude millenial and post-millenial. A study of 6,000 people in the […]

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23 February

The debate on climate action has recently been invaded by the term “Carbon Offsetting”. Peggada explains to you what is this thing of creating a market to exchange carbon and why this has been such a hotly debated measure in the latest climate negotiations. What is Carbon Offsetting? As the term indicates, Carbon Offsetting is […]

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21 February

The contests and science fairs held in schools around the world challenge youngsters to look for and develop solutions to problems that affect our planet. Peggada highlights some children’s ideas designed to help the environment and create a better world. Eco-Hero, the edible water bottle The idea comes from Madison Checketts, a 12-year-old American who, […]

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10 February

The study reveals that from all the trash found in the Arctic over five years, 80% was plastics, much of it coming from fishing activity. A study coordinated by the Alfred Wegener Institute, which was named “Citizen Science,” collected and analyzed plastic wrecks littering the beaches of Svalbard between 2016 and 2021. The results showed […]

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09 February

Ulisses Correia e Silva, Cape Verde’s prime minister, and António Costa, prime minister of Portugal, signed on January 23 a memorandum of understanding that formalizes the decision to convert Cape Verde’s debt to Portugal into an Environmental Climate Fund. The Portuguese and Cape Verdean governments have formalized the decision to convert the African country’s debt […]

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