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06 March

Ideas should be based on solutions for urban heat, water reuse, and climate awareness in local communities. Mouraria was the Lisbon neighborhood chosen to take part in the international Students Reinventing Cities competition, organized by the C40 Cities group. The goal of the initiative is to support proposals for reinventing and transforming greener, more inclusive, […]

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05 March

More collection points and initiatives with municipalities were some of the factors that contributed to the increase. Last year, Electrão (electronic waste bins) sent 40% more electrical equipment for recycling compared to 2021 figures. The waste management entity collected a total of 23,934 tons of equipment. Large household appliances make up the largest portion (13,000 […]

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02 March

Between the common waste bin and the textile collection containers, we went to understand what is the best solution for the clothes that are in no condition to be reused. Peggada wrote about the different options available for clothes we no longer wear. And even though there are several solutions for the one that can […]

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01 March

The Secretary-General of the United Nations listed a number of challenges that put the sustainability of various parts of the globe and future generations at risk. António Guterres, addressing the General Assembly in New York in February, called for urgent action to address such scourges as wars, climate emergency, and extreme poverty. Here are expressed […]

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28 February

March was the month chosen for a campaign to raise awareness of the advantages of buying in bulk. Find out everything that will happen in these 31 very special days. March was chosen, but in fact it could have been December or August. The date matters little, when the cause is to be taken up […]

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26 February

To help you better understand sustainability, Peggada has decoded some acronyms and abbreviations frequently used in the climate dialogue, creating a kind of dictionary which we hope you find useful. LCA: Life Cycle AssessmentIt is a technique that analyzes the performance of products or processes in terms ofsustainability by assessing inputs, outputs, and associated environmental […]

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24 February

Environmental and social concerns are becoming a major factor in the job market. The number of people who are leaving their jobs to look for companies with climate commitments is growing. The term “Climate Quitting” has emerged to refer to this generational change in attitude millenial and post-millenial. A study of 6,000 people in the […]

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23 February

The debate on climate action has recently been invaded by the term “Carbon Offsetting”. Peggada explains to you what is this thing of creating a market to exchange carbon and why this has been such a hotly debated measure in the latest climate negotiations. What is Carbon Offsetting? As the term indicates, Carbon Offsetting is […]

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21 February

The contests and science fairs held in schools around the world challenge youngsters to look for and develop solutions to problems that affect our planet. Peggada highlights some children’s ideas designed to help the environment and create a better world. Eco-Hero, the edible water bottle The idea comes from Madison Checketts, a 12-year-old American who, […]

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19 February

The innovative furniture installed in Arroios, Lisbon, allows the collection of about 4 thousand liters of water, which will be used in periods of drought. Arroios parish council, in Lisbon, installed hydric urban furniture that allows rainwater collection, later stored and used to water green spaces or wash streets in times of drought. In total, […]

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