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09 February

Ulisses Correia e Silva, Cape Verde’s prime minister, and António Costa, prime minister of Portugal, signed on January 23 a memorandum of understanding that formalizes the decision to convert Cape Verde’s debt to Portugal into an Environmental Climate Fund. The Portuguese and Cape Verdean governments have formalized the decision to convert the African country’s debt […]

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07 February

For a lighter meal, a snack, or even breakfast. A quiche is always a practical option that helps to use what we have at home. Check out this recipe from Mariana at My Feed Choices. Quiche is always a great option to take advantage of everything that’s lying around in the fridge begging to be […]

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06 February

Fairtrade’s new map shows the human and climate risks of the world’s major crops. The Fairtrade system, globally recognized for certifying ethical and sustainable production brands, has just launched the Fairtrade risk map. This interactive tool transparently shares the conditions of workers and the climate impact of agricultural sectors such as cocoa, coffee, cereals, and […]

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04 February

Grains, beans, and lentils are great allies in a vegetarian diet. Here is a suggestion for an easy and versatile dish where you can use legumes. We already know that a plant-based diet should favor legumes. But since we know that this is not always easy, we leave you the suggestion of a page that […]

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02 February

If you are interested in the topic of sustainability and want to be a change agent when it comes to climate change, take a look at these suggestions of online courses and get started. The climate crisis has a lot going for it, and these digital classrooms are the perfect tools to learn from the […]

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01 February

By January 22, renewable energies contributed to almost 90% of the national electricity consumption. It was on January 16th that the national electrical system registered the highest value ever of wind production in a single day: 106.7 gigawatt hours (GWh) generated. On this day, renewable energy production supplied 97% of electricity consumption, with wind power […]

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31 January

Avoiding landfills, this project takes advantage of the existing collection circuits and existing equipment in Cascais to transform food waste into energy. Cascais is the first municipality in the country to collect bio-waste throughout its territory. The expansion of what started as a pilot project began in October 2022 and has recently ended with the […]

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30 January

Tiktok is not only about viral dancing, some are using the platform as a weapon for climate action. Find here the accounts you must follow. Tiktok was one of the digital windows that invaded several houses, especially during quarantine. This is a social network where, like all the others, you can find everything: hymns to […]

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28 January

Although animal-based options are still available, most patients opt for vegetarian or vegan meals. Making animal-free meals the standard option in New York City’s 11 hospitals is the result of a partnership between the Better Food Foundation, the city health department and its hospitals, and the Mayor’s Office. Without removing the meat-based options, the plant-based […]

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27 January

Facebook and Instagram campaigns that encouraged “false or biased” speech about the climate crisis were analyzed. The oil and gas industry spent about 3.7 million euros on posting “misleading” messages on social media about the climate crisis in connection with the last climate summit. The news is advanced by the Spanish news agency EFE, quoted […]

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