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20 March

ARS is a research structure based in Fundão. Get to know this special place. Based in Fundão, in the district of Castelo Branco, ARS is a multidisciplinary organization focused on bringing scientists, artists, and all those willing to accept the challenge of thinking and acting on the ecological emergency to the table. Peggada spoke with […]

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18 March

Deleting email recipients, choosing greener browsers, or recycling electronic equipment are all practices that have an impact on the planet. Did you know that nowadays digital pollution is already higher than in the aviation sector? By 2025, it is estimated that it will overtake the automotive sector, and by 2030 it will be the largest […]

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16 March

To avoid the waste created by the use of single-use coffee cups, startup Kleen Hub has created an innovative system of reusable stainless steel cups. In this case, customers borrow and return later. Recycling take-away packaging is not as simple as it sounds. Although they appear to be made only of paper, they have a […]

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15 March

Taking advantage of the inspiration brought by the month of bulk, we made you a list of 5 bulk stores you can visit in the Algarve area, this or any other month of the year. Quinoa Bio Nature In this Faro store you can find a wide variety of organic products, from fresh fruit and […]

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14 March

The Pilot Cities program involves 53 cities that will put new solutions into practice in areas such as mobility, land use, and waste management. Guimarães was one of the 25 municipalities chosen (and the only Portuguese one) by the NetZeroCities project to be part of the Pilot Cities program. The goal is to test new […]

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12 March

A new study analyzed surface plastic pollution data from 11,777 ocean stations in six major marine regions, covering the period 1979 to 2019. The presence of plastic in the world’s oceans has reached “unprecedented levels”. The conclusion is from a study led by 5 Gyres Institute, an American organization that campaigns to reduce plastic pollution, […]

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10 March

Turismo de Portugal conducted a survey on the environmental performance of tourist accommodations. There are concrete measures for saving water and energy, but there is still much more to do. This is not a plus or minus study, because it is the first one done to evaluate the environmental performance of Tourist Facilities following this […]

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09 March

The conclusion is part of an analysis of corporate emissions reduction targets and their degree of ambition. The European Union will force companies to submit their transition plans to meet the 1.5°C climate target (set in the Paris Agreement) and todisclose the sustainability impacts in its annual management report. The new directive, proposed by the […]

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07 March

Nikolaus Geyrhalter’s documentary is a journey through waste and our ability to hide it. In partnership with Zero em Comportamento, we have tickets to give away, visit our Instagram page. Over four years and several continents, one camera (or several) followed the trail of garbage in cities, hillsides, mountains, and oceans. Following the process from […]

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07 March

The Oceans Treaty signed on Sunday will allow the conservation of 30 percent of the high seas by 2030. The moment is historic. The United Nations has agreed to create a Treaty for Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ). After 36 hours of negotiations and almost twenty years of back and forth – […]

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