United Kingdom. Reducing car journeys rewards drivers
The “Going Car Free” campaign in the UK encourages drivers to swap their car for a more sustainable option, talk about the challenge with friends
The ecocenters will run around the city, staying three days in each strategic point.
Plastic, paper, and glass are already common elements in our day to day recycling. Now, when it comes to spray cans, a pot, or a light bulb, questions about which ecoponto is the right one can start to arise.
Thinking about this difficulty, the Lisbon City Hall has created three special mobile ecopoints, or “ecocenters”, as they are called, which will run around the city so that people can deposit those more complex residues. This is the case of coffee capsules, CDs and DVDs, packaging with remains of solvent and paint products, spray cans, ink cartridges and toners, normal and tubular lamps, small household appliances, cork stoppers, cutlery, pots and pans.
Each Ecocenter will be at each location three days a month, according to the fixed schedule that you can see here.
The waste collected in the mobile ecocenters is then deposited in the containers of the Lisbon City Hall’s removal support parks until it is forwarded for reuse and recycling, through a licensed operator.
When these ecocenters are not nearby, you can always check here to see how best to dispose of some of this waste.
The “Going Car Free” campaign in the UK encourages drivers to swap their car for a more sustainable option, talk about the challenge with friends
Achieving 100% clean energy in the venue, completely eliminating the use of plastic throughout the event and production phases, and achieving zero food waste are
The Earth Festival is back in Lagoa de Pataias on June 7, 8 and 9 and, despite bringing new features, the three main focuses remain:
This article addresses an action that promotes change towards more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities, helping toreduce the adverse environmental impact of cities.
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