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Tag: ecodot

15 May

The right answer is: none! Dishes that we no longer use or that are broken don’t go in the recycling garbage can, but they shouldn’t be thrown in the general waste either. Find out what to do with plates, glasses and cutlery in this article. Cupboards have limited space and we can’t always fit in […]

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13 March

We accumulate pens in drawers or backpacks and easily find them under the sofa. And if we want to throw them away? Should we put them in the comon garbage, the recycling bin or is there an alternative? Find out all about it in this article. Recycling bin, comon garbage, or do we put them […]

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03 March

We can already tell you that it’s neither in the common garbage nor in the traditional recycling bins. Discover where to discard the cork stoppers you’ve been accumulating at home. A dinner with friends, a bottle to celebrate, or a glass of wine for no special reason. Every time you open a bottle of wine, […]

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12 January

The ecocenters will run around the city, staying three days in each strategic point. Plastic, paper, and glass are already common elements in our day to day recycling. Now, when it comes to spray cans, a pot, or a light bulb, questions about which ecoponto is the right one can start to arise. Thinking about […]

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27 April

Environmental activist Bea Johnson said: the first step is to refuse. It follows the reduce, reuse and only then recycle (for those who want to go further can go to the compost – or rot, in English). These are the five Rs that rule the ideology of zero waste, although it is difficult to apply […]

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