Where to dispose of medicines and their packaging?
In the medicine cabinet, there are always those that end up not being used in their entirety, or whose expiration date has already passed. And
Whether it’s because they no longer fit, have gone bad, or we simply don’t like them as much. When shoes reach the end of life, what should you do with them? Peggada gives you some options.
Fix, give away, sell or throw away. If it’s time to move on from the shoes you know you won’t be wearing any more, here are some possible ways of doing so that are more sustainable than throwing them away:
In addition to the cobblers who still survive in our neighborhoods, Peggada introduces you to two stores that transform old or damaged shoes into almost new pieces:
Shoelução is a project from Penafiel that resurrects those worn-out boots and yellowed sneakers with stains that no longer want to come off – but which still have a long way to go.
They collect from various points in Porto, Penafiel, Paredes, Lousada, Felgueiras, Paços de Ferreira and Amarante. These partnerships serve as collection and delivery points for all footwear to facilitate the arrival of all customer orders at the workshop.
The project @reshoes.pt works a miracle that makes your old sneakers live on for years and years, shouting in the face of society, which thinks that what is old is no longer salvageable.
They do exterior, interior and sole cleaning, but also restorations, shoelace cleaning, stitching work and customizations. You can swipe to see several before and afters and check out the result.
There are several barter markets taking place every week, where you can swap not only clothes but also shoes (as long as they’re in good condition). Follow our events calendar (which is making a strong comeback in September) to keep up to date with everything. Let’s Swap and Mercado de Trocas usually organize at least one event every week.
Contacted by Peggada, Sociedade Ponto Verde explains that shoes, clothes and accessories can be placed in clothing containers. The companies that manage these bins, such as Ultriplo or Humana, collect and sort what is placed there. Anything that can’t be reused goes for recycling.
In the medicine cabinet, there are always those that end up not being used in their entirety, or whose expiration date has already passed. And
The Local Councils that gather the highest amount of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Battery Waste will be rewarded. “Junta na Freguesia” (“Gather
Although the oil from canned goods can be used for consumption, some people prefer not to use it. We know that there can be doubts
This article promotes an action that encourages the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
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