Chefs on Fire. In this festival, leftover food is transformed into energy
Here comes another edition of Chefs on Fire, one of the most important gastronomic festivals in the country. In addition to the sustainability actions that
From July 31st to August 4th there will be another edition of the Tradidanças festival, the one that gets everyone of all ages dancing for four days. As well as dancing, there’s nature, good food and a constant concern to reduce the impact on the planet.
If Filipa Pereira won €1 for every time she was asked, “But is Tradidanças the old Andanças?”, she’d be rich. However, it’s normal for confusion to occur, not only because dance is the common denominator between the two events, as is the location: São Pedro do Sul.
So let’s hear it from those who know best.
Filipa explains that Andanças moved to another location and São Pedro do Sul lost the festival that had been bringing thousands of people to the region for years. “We were left with the desire to continue doing something,” explains the current producer and programmer, who began her career just like any other festival-goer.
“I went to Andanças in 2008 and I loved it. As soon as I left, I looked for places where I could learn to dance, because I realized that there really are a lot of people dancing the so-called traditional European music all over the country, even though it doesn’t get much exposure in the media,” she says. Along the way, she met her current husband, Paulo Pereira, one of the people responsible for the creation of Andanças and, for many years, president of Pé de Xumbo, the Association for the Promotion of Music and Dance.
She joined him in São Pedro do Sul, a town that for years was orphaned of a festival it loved so much.
In 2017, the buzz started that a new festival was coming, the Tradidanças, organized by the Tourist and Agricultural Association of Serra da Arada (ATASA), in partnership with the Municipality of São Pedro do Sul.
Filipa got involved with the organization from the very first year and is now the producer of an event that grows every year. Since 2022, she has also collaborated with NBI – Natural Business Intelligence, in programming and consultancy for natural area interventions, promoting best management practices.
“Tradidanças is now a festival of Traditions, Dance, Music and Nature,” she explains, and all these aspects are clearly visible in the programming and organization of the space.
Dance and music are everywhere, of course, from concerts to dances, dance and musical instrument workshops and lots of music that is born spontaneously by those who feel it pulsating.
As for nature, you only have to look around to realize that it is a constant presence. In recent years, values from the area’s natural landscape (known for its mountains, streams and natural pools) have been integrated, because it is believed that the festival should be associated with an effort to reduce its environmental impact on the community and a concern to spread environmental values. For this deeper connection, every morning there is a sensory or interpreted nature walk to get to know the local vegetation better, for example.
All these details are already geared towards connecting visitors with nature and the surrounding area, showing that there are ways of living with less impact. But there’s more:
implementaram um Saneamento Ecológico para tratar cerca de 75% dos resíduos orgânicos produzidos durante o festival;
existem dezenas de casas de banho e urinóis secos;
Na cantina há sempre opção vegetariana para todas as refeições;
recolhem matos e ervas dos terrenos do festival para a construção das casas de banho secas;
Há recolha dos biorresíduos, provenientes da cantina e dos
restaurantes do festival;
Exitem compostores disponíveis ao público.
todos os dias existem oficinas sustentáveis onde se ensina, por exemplo, como produzir cosmética com base em azeite, ou cogumelos com base em borras de café;
promovem o uso de bicicleta para chegar ao evento, com um desconto no preço do bilhete;
a água para os banhos é aquecida com o calor do sol;
as águas dos duches são depois usadas para os autoclismos;
é um festival pet friendly (todas as regras podem ser consultadas aqui)
. the space is prepared to welcome children, with workshops and activities for the youngest;
. it is an inclusive festival, with activities for senior citizens and people with special needs. Examples include adapted dance workshops.
The event takes place this year from July 31 to August 4 and tickets are on sale here.
Peggada will be there. Follow us on social media to see all the sustainable details of this event.
Here you can watch a video of the 2023 edition:
Here comes another edition of Chefs on Fire, one of the most important gastronomic festivals in the country. In addition to the sustainability actions that
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This article promotes an action that encourages the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
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