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Tag: sustainability

26 February

To help you better understand sustainability, Peggada has decoded some acronyms and abbreviations frequently used in the climate dialogue, creating a kind of dictionary which we hope you find useful. LCA: Life Cycle AssessmentIt is a technique that analyzes the performance of products or processes in terms ofsustainability by assessing inputs, outputs, and associated environmental […]

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21 February

The contests and science fairs held in schools around the world challenge youngsters to look for and develop solutions to problems that affect our planet. Peggada highlights some children’s ideas designed to help the environment and create a better world. Eco-Hero, the edible water bottle The idea comes from Madison Checketts, a 12-year-old American who, […]

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04 January

We know that, just like us, there are hundreds of other projects wanting to do more for the planet. We went to them to find out more about what drives them and what we can expect from them. Once a week, one startup, one interview, five questions. We talked to Álvaro Pérez-Segnini and Camila López, […]

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26 September

The term “Eco-minimalism” was originally used in design to design buildings made with less environmental impact. Today, this concept has changed and is used to describe a lifestyle. The words “eco” and “minimalism” have taken a place in our vocabulary. But together, even building a new word, this could be something new Let’s start with […]

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23 September

The restaurant that was born in Beato’s Creative Hub opens its doors this Saturday. There is food, music, good conversation, and lots of Portuguese products. It is more than a thousand square meters between doors and many more of outdoor space. In fact, there are few barriers to this project. A Praça, the restaurant space […]

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19 September

Reading is a great habit, but it can lead to unnecessary shopping and a backlog of books at home. However, there is way to be more conscious in how to continue this rich practice. We’ll tell you how. For all those who cannot live without books, but who strive to have a life without great […]

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29 June

We know that, just like us, there are hundreds of other projects wanting to do more for the planet. We went to them to find out more about what drives them and what we can expect from them. Once a week, one startup, one interview, five questions. Gonçalo Costa, founder of The Cricket Farming CO […]

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20 June

While walking, cooking, cleaning the house, or while having a cup of coffee. Podcasts are great company, and with these you learn more about the environment. If you want to know more about sustainability, these Portuguese podcasts will help you decode and discover new ideas to put into practice and will also be useful in […]

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08 June

We know that, just like us, there are hundreds of other projects wanting to do more for the planet. We went to them to find out more about what drives them and what we can expect from them. Once a week, one startup, one interview, five questions. Teresa and Marta are the founders of Ecomind […]

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04 June

Peggada has made a selection of some of the most amazing and sustainable housing in Alentejo. Now, all you have to do is book and enjoy this very special region of our country. Before you plan your vacation abroad – and we all know there is nothing better than being a citizen of the world […]

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