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Tag: Marta Cerqueira

12 March

A new study analyzed surface plastic pollution data from 11,777 ocean stations in six major marine regions, covering the period 1979 to 2019. The presence of plastic in the world’s oceans has reached “unprecedented levels”. The conclusion is from a study led by 5 Gyres Institute, an American organization that campaigns to reduce plastic pollution, […]

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28 February

March was the month chosen for a campaign to raise awareness of the advantages of buying in bulk. Find out everything that will happen in these 31 very special days. March was chosen, but in fact it could have been December or August. The date matters little, when the cause is to be taken up […]

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12 January

The ecocenters will run around the city, staying three days in each strategic point. Plastic, paper, and glass are already common elements in our day to day recycling. Now, when it comes to spray cans, a pot, or a light bulb, questions about which ecoponto is the right one can start to arise. Thinking about […]

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10 January

And there is more! The hole in the ozone layer may even be fully closed in 43 years, in 2066. The year begins with positive news. According to the report of the UN Montreal Protocol’s Scientific Assessment Panel, now released, if current policies continue, by 2066 the Antarctic ozone layer will have recovered to 1980 […]

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04 January

We know that, just like us, there are hundreds of other projects wanting to do more for the planet. We went to them to find out more about what drives them and what we can expect from them. Once a week, one startup, one interview, five questions. We talked to Álvaro Pérez-Segnini and Camila López, […]

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23 September

The restaurant that was born in Beato’s Creative Hub opens its doors this Saturday. There is food, music, good conversation, and lots of Portuguese products. It is more than a thousand square meters between doors and many more of outdoor space. In fact, there are few barriers to this project. A Praça, the restaurant space […]

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29 June

We know that, just like us, there are hundreds of other projects wanting to do more for the planet. We went to them to find out more about what drives them and what we can expect from them. Once a week, one startup, one interview, five questions. Gonçalo Costa, founder of The Cricket Farming CO […]

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08 June

We know that, just like us, there are hundreds of other projects wanting to do more for the planet. We went to them to find out more about what drives them and what we can expect from them. Once a week, one startup, one interview, five questions. Teresa and Marta are the founders of Ecomind […]

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23 May

Chiado has gained a vegetarian fine dining restaurant. The menu is fixed, with surprises, and the warmth of those who serve us makes the visit worthwhile. Chef José Avillez, owner of several dozen restaurants that open and close with great speed, has opened another one, Encanto, with an exclusively vegetarian menu. It might not be […]

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28 April

It’s not just a hairdresser, it’s not just a cafe, and it’s not just a store. It is all that, but it is much more. We went to meet Pikikos and tell you all about this special space in Lisbon. This is the chair designed for the haircutting of the youngest. It may not be […]

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