At El Corte Inglés, used clothes get a new life
El Corte Inglés and To Be Green, a spin-off from the University of Minho, have joined forces inan unprecedented partnership, to produce 300 new articles
The Let’s Swap project, which has long been dedicated to swap markets, has decided to go one step further by creating Let’s Repair. Now they want to see the community repairing and transforming their clothes.
The name Let’s Swap shouldn’t sound strange to you. After all, they’re all around Portugal organizing clothing swap markets so that the clothes you have at home can be given a new lease of life and you can revamp your wardrobe without having to buy new ones.
So far, the Let’s Swap movement has organized 136 markets, where 36,555 items of clothing and 3,436 books have been exchanged, preventing 22,540 kg of waste.
Now, this project has decided to create another strand, this time dedicated to repairs. Let’s Repair was created so that everyone can do more with what they have at home.
“Let‘s Repair is more than just a project, it’s a movement towards empowerment and capacitation. We invite our community to embrace the art of mending, altering and enjoying their clothes. Through practical workshops, enlightening talks and useful tips, we empower individuals to take control of their closets and embrace the beauty of longevity,” the team explains in a statement.
In a partnership with Modatex – Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Têxtil, Vestuário, Confecção e Lanifícios, some of the most recent swap markets organized by Let’s Swap now have a clothing repair station. There, a team of trainers help with the recovery or transformation of garments.
To keep up to date with all the events organized by Let’s Swap and Let’s Repair, check out Peggada’s events calendar.
El Corte Inglés and To Be Green, a spin-off from the University of Minho, have joined forces inan unprecedented partnership, to produce 300 new articles
In California, clothing and fabric producers will have to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of their items, thanks to new legislation. New legislation
Although mechanical recycling is the most widely used method, it cannot deal with multi-fiber textiles. The new approach promises to effectively recycle this waste, and
This article promotes an action that encourages the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
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