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Tag: clothing

22 April

Since April 8th, both the buying and selling of second-hand clothes has been exempt from taxes on eBay in the UK. Online retailer eBay has stopped charging any fees for buying and selling second-hand clothes in the UK in an effort to reduce waste, keep more clothes out of landfill and boost the circular economy. […]

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16 April

Fashion Revolution Week kicks off with days full of talks, lectures, trading markets and lots of ideas exchanged about the fashion industry. In the year in which the revolution is celebrated in a special way, Fashion Revolution Week brings an edition that aims to reflect on what it means to be revolutionary through what we […]

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25 March

France is making history when it comes to clothing production. The main measures include a ban on advertising cheaper textiles and an environmental tax on low-cost items. The bill now goes the Senate to be voted. The French parliament has approved a series of strict measures to limit disposable, mass-produced and low-cost fashion – which […]

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23 March

The Let’s Swap project, which has long been dedicated to swap markets, has decided to go one step further by creating Let’s Repair. Now they want to see the community repairing and transforming their clothes. The name Let’s Swap shouldn’t sound strange to you. After all, they’re all around Portugal organizing clothing swap markets so […]

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02 March

Between the common waste bin and the textile collection containers, we went to understand what is the best solution for the clothes that are in no condition to be reused. Peggada wrote about the different options available for clothes we no longer wear. And even though there are several solutions for the one that can […]

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12 February

From street bins to social stores and trading markets, we help you understand the destination of your donations. Did you know that a cotton T-shirt can take 10 to 20 years to decompose, and about 100 to 300 years if it is made of synthetic fabric? So if you have clothes you no longer wear, […]

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24 October

Things start piling up and there isn’t enough closet space for all the babygrow that stops fitting in three days, is that correct? Don’t worry, in this article we give you the solution. We now consume about 80 billion new pieces of clothing every year, that’s 400% more than we did two decades ago. Scary, […]

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