At El Corte Inglés, used clothes get a new life
El Corte Inglés and To Be Green, a spin-off from the University of Minho, have joined forces inan unprecedented partnership, to produce 300 new articles
Cais Recicla is dedicated to creating new products made from materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. They also have a strong social aspect as they train homeless people to develop their personal and professional skills.
CAIS Recicla presents itself as a transformative workshop. This is because it transforms lives, products and companies.
“Cais Recicla is a recycling project, but it’s more than that. We try to integrate this aspect with the integration of homeless people,” says Alexandre Teixeira, the coordinator.
They transform obsolete materials into new products. From waste, they create unique pieces with design lines developed specifically for each client. And all of this is done by homeless people.
The companies/institutions that buy Cais Recicla products are responding to a cause of social and environmental responsibility.
This time it was ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação (National Innovation Agency) that took advantage of Cais Recicla’s skills, handing over the tarpaulins used at ANI events to be transformed into lanyards (identification ribbons) for their future events.
This is not the first time that Cais Recicla has worked with used tarpaulins. They already had a series of tote bags made from scraps of canvas used to decorate the construction sites of the new Metro lines.
In this link you’ll find the catalog with all the products for sale, always made by talented hands who just needed a chance. The materials, on the other hand, are always reused.
El Corte Inglés and To Be Green, a spin-off from the University of Minho, have joined forces inan unprecedented partnership, to produce 300 new articles
The business started last year and has already given a new purpose to 40 tons of discarded plastic bottles in Cambodia. The brooms, which are
For a report, Reuters tracked down eleven pairs of shoes, which were eventually found far from any Singapore recycling plant, as was promised. The American
This article promotes an action that encourages the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
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