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Tag: Inês Gonçalves

22 March

The International Day of Trees and Forests, which is celebrated on March 21, was implemented by the United Nations to mark the importance of large green spaces. Find out what planting campaigns you can be a part of. Did you know that, on average, each citizen would have to plant 36 to 41 trees per […]

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18 March

Deleting email recipients, choosing greener browsers, or recycling electronic equipment are all practices that have an impact on the planet. Did you know that nowadays digital pollution is already higher than in the aviation sector? By 2025, it is estimated that it will overtake the automotive sector, and by 2030 it will be the largest […]

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02 March

Between the common waste bin and the textile collection containers, we went to understand what is the best solution for the clothes that are in no condition to be reused. Peggada wrote about the different options available for clothes we no longer wear. And even though there are several solutions for the one that can […]

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24 February

Environmental and social concerns are becoming a major factor in the job market. The number of people who are leaving their jobs to look for companies with climate commitments is growing. The term “Climate Quitting” has emerged to refer to this generational change in attitude millenial and post-millenial. A study of 6,000 people in the […]

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17 February

No, these are not cities that run out of time. These are cities we won’t want to leave – more accessible, functional and sustainable. What if you could have your workplace and essential services just 15 minutes from your home? The urban planning concept – “15 Minute City” – advocates just that. That our daily […]

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12 February

From street bins to social stores and trading markets, we help you understand the destination of your donations. Did you know that a cotton T-shirt can take 10 to 20 years to decompose, and about 100 to 300 years if it is made of synthetic fabric? So if you have clothes you no longer wear, […]

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06 February

Fairtrade’s new map shows the human and climate risks of the world’s major crops. The Fairtrade system, globally recognized for certifying ethical and sustainable production brands, has just launched the Fairtrade risk map. This interactive tool transparently shares the conditions of workers and the climate impact of agricultural sectors such as cocoa, coffee, cereals, and […]

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