Vissi is a clothing brand based on the concept of Slow Fashion. At its root it has engraved values such as transparency, awareness, quality, and responsibility. All items are produced under ethical and fair labor conditions in Portugal, with the exclusive use of organic cotton and without the use of any plastic fibers.
They also assume an activist position in society, not only by promoting sustainability actions, but also by promoting sustainable habits and routines to their customers. They do not support unbridled consumption, so they do not encourage the customer to buy through sales, discounts, or coupons. However, all those who practice sustainable habits for themselves will have access to incredible brand benefits.
Vissi seeks to be much more than a clothing brand, it believes to be a tool for social action, able to, through its captivating articles, involve everyone in a single purpose, our planet and all who inhabit it.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more about this business. It is going to be worth it!
Sustainable Development Goals 🍃
This project actively contributes to reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. This SDG also aims to reduce global food waste in production and consumption.
➡️ To discover more businesses that are aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12 “Sustainable Production and Consumption” click here.
➡️ For news, tips and interviews about this topic, click here
➡️ Want to know more about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Click here