Marta can’t stand still. Whenever she can, she’s booking the next trip and trying to put everything she needs in a backpack that even Ryanair accepts. She realizes she needs little to be happy, so she sold the car, the bimby and the clothes she no longer wears. Saves food from waste and buys second-hand whenever she cans. She eats — and well — without meat, but with many spinach.
She has been a journalist for more than ten years, the last dedicated to new sustainable projects. Now it’s time for her project to be in the news.
Lígia was born in the Algarve but soon realized that no one establishes borders on her life. She has already been in 61 countries and as she can not imagine herself between four walls, she has been working remotely when COVID was not even a known word.
She has a Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, a Master’s degree in anthropology, and a postgraduate degree in development and international cooperation. She now works for an Australian startup and travels whenever she can to tell stories on the blog A Crush On.
She hasn’t bought clothes in seven years, but admits that once, dying of cold, she walked into a Fast Fashion store. Not without first whipping herself.
4.7 – Education for sustainable development and global citizenship.
11.6 – By 2030, reduce the negative environmental impact per capita in cities, including paying special attention to air quality, municipal waste management and others.
12.3 – Reduction of global food waste per capita by half
12.5 – By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
12.6 – Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into activity reports.
12.8 – By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.
13.3 – Improving education, raising awareness and human and institutional capacity on mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning measures on climate change.
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