A Horta – Merceria Bio
The Horta – Mercearia Bio commercializes organic products in bulk, vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, seeds, flours, dried fruits, teas, mushrooms, homemade pastries, among others. Scroll
Mercearia da Vila is a physical store offering bulk, organic, ecological, and natural products.
By promoting Bulk sales, this business actively contributes to reducing global food waste in production and consumer. It also encourages the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
To discover more businesses that are aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12 “Sustainable Production and Consumption” click here.
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The Horta – Mercearia Bio commercializes organic products in bulk, vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, seeds, flours, dried fruits, teas, mushrooms, homemade pastries, among others. Scroll
Mercearia Granelândia, in Fernão Ferro, offers various types of products by weight to help reduce food and plastic waste: teas, coffee beans and ground coffee,
Hot bread Daily fresh fruit and vegetables Charcuterie Gourmet space and wine cellar Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more about
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