Raízes provides its customers with organic, natural and eco-friendly products, favoring the bulk and reducing packaging to the maximum, particularly plastic packaging, thus giving its
A physical and online store for natural therapeutic products, cleaning, hygiene, cosmetics, and accessories.
This project actively contributes to reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. This SDG also aims to reduce global food waste in production and consumption.
To discover more businesses that are aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12 “Sustainable Production and Consumption” click here.
For news, tips and interviews about this topic, click here
Want to know more about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Click here
Raízes provides its customers with organic, natural and eco-friendly products, favoring the bulk and reducing packaging to the maximum, particularly plastic packaging, thus giving its
Rota das Cores is the realization of a project long thought out by Sónia Amaro, an accountant by profession, who in 2015 saw her life
Bulk grocery store selling food, cleaning and personal hygiene products, among others. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more about this
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