Babu is a Portuguese brand contributing to the change we all wish for, offering an eco-friendly version of traditional consumer goods such as toothbrushes, cotton
Abegoa Soap is handcrafted in small batches exclusively from extra-virgin olive oil and essential oils, both organic and certified. It can be used for general body care, but is particularly recommended for the most sensitive facial skin and as a shampoo bar
This project actively contributes to reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. This SDG also aims to reduce global food waste in production and consumption.
To discover more businesses that are aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12 “Sustainable Production and Consumption” click here.
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Want to know more about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Click here
Babu is a Portuguese brand contributing to the change we all wish for, offering an eco-friendly version of traditional consumer goods such as toothbrushes, cotton
Musa is a brand producing Handmade Soap and Natural Cosmetics. All products are handmade with raw materials of natural origin. There is a range of
In this online store you will find natural soaps produced in Maceira, Leiria, with 100% vegetable oils and no synthetic preservatives. The productions are made
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