Miosótis – Lumiar
Miosótis – Lumiar is a place of convergence and interchange of different diets, a space of variety, food diversity and quality, with 100% organic food
Mariazinha is a store with history. In 1934 at Baixa Pombalina, a store oponed with the same trademark, A Mariazinha, in honor of the founder’s daughter, Jerónimo Coutinho. That store closed about 40 years ago. A second Mariazinha, meanwhile, has moved to Alvalade. It is still the only one in the neighborhood that specializes in selling teas and coffees.
By promoting Bulk sales, this business actively contributes to reducing global food waste in production and consumer. It also encourages the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
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Miosótis – Lumiar is a place of convergence and interchange of different diets, a space of variety, food diversity and quality, with 100% organic food
Biocoop is a consumer cooperative that aims to provide the availability and marketing to members of products that contribute to a healthy diet and life
4 Arrobas e 1 Quintal is a physical and online store for bulk and sustainable products – food, personal care, home care, kitchenware, and cosmetics.
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